Hi, My name is Edward Julianz, here's my story. I was born on 18 july 1997. I’m the third child in the family with consist of 1 female and 2 male. Jakarta is my birth place, which was a good place when there's not much of a traffic jam. I don't remember much during the early years but my mom told me few things about me. She told me that I used to introduced my foreigner uncle from australia to my neighbor like i was trying to showing off to them, and i used to talk very much unlike nowadays. My hobby was playing Playstation until my mother yelled at me.
My School life, I still remember the first day I went to kindergarten everything was good except the interaction with other girl student. I spent 6 years in SD Muhammadiyah 12, still feel like i'm in kindergarten..unable to talk with other girl because some sort of situation. my interaction with other male student was qute good though i don't have many friends because i was the quite one but i have friends that really close until now. i used to cry when my father dropped me off in elementary school because i thought that i couldn't see my father again, and it did happen when i was in fourth class, my father did died because of cancer. 3 years later i moved to Junior High School precisely at SMP Muhammadiyah 22. same environment and still in the same condition. in junior high school i met my best friend and we still meet with each other although we went to different university. one them is working. good friends, you don't want to lose a friend like them. got rejected once, because i was too stiff with girls. I went to high school in SMA Negeri 9 Tangsel. it was kinda better environment than before, i start to talk with girls, but not too intense only like when i need something from them. i became not too quiet kid than i used to, i got lazy and such. i met my close friends in highschool too, but we rarely met only do online conversation because some of them went to university that too far.
Now I’m college student in Gunadarma University. I already spend six semester in this place I’m a student majoring in accounting. my hobby now is something that involve motorcycle. Like doing some modification to my motorcycle, or collecting helmet, or make money out of it. for example, i bought HJC RPHA 10 for Rp1.800.000 and then when there's someone looking for it i sell it for Rp2.500.000.
I have a plan when I finish my collage I will looking for a job, gift my mother a ticket to hajj, get married (if i found the one) and have 2 kids, and then lived a happily marriage. alternate ending if i don't have a wife..collect more helmet, buy 4 big motorcycle and live a lonely life.